Q. What is data recovery?
A. Data recovery is the procedure used to recover and analyze data endangered by hardware failure, human error, software flaws, computer crime, virus or natural disaster from a variety of media and operating system types.
Q. What typically causes data loss?
A. Data loss can be attributed to many different factors and may result from one or more of the following: Electro-mechanical failure, natural disaster, computer virus, data corruption, computer crime or human error.
Q. Should I try to run some type of data recovery utility on my drive before I send it to a lab?
A. Running a utility on a potentially corrupted drive puts your data at risk. A utility assumes that your drive is working 100 percent, both mechanically and electrically. If your drive is not performing at its optimal level, the utility will attempt to fix things that may not need fixing. The result is further data loss. Your best and safest course of action is contacting a Tictac engineer without delay.
Q. How much does data recovery cost? How long does it take?
A. The answers to these two questions are specific to each customer, equipment and data loss scenario. Contact Tic Tac and we will thoroughly explain the time and cost options that apply to your particular data recovery situation.
Q. Can Renew Data get data back in a hurry if I need it?
A. Yes. We offer different service levels depending on your response time needs. Standard service typically takes three to five days, while our priority, weekend, around-the-clock and on-site services can get your data back in one to three days. The cost of these services varies and will be tailored to meet your individual data recovery situation.
Q. After a recovery, in what format is my data returned?
A. We can return your critical data in many formats including:
New Hard Drive (purchased by customer or brought to Tic Tac)
Secure FTP download
And other depending on the type of media recovered
Q. My drive is making a funny noise. Should I open it up and see what’s going on?
A. No. It is important to be in a clean room and have full knowledge of the drive’s mechanics before opening a hard drive. Otherwise, your data may be irrevocably destroyed and your manufacturer’s warranty will be invalid. Contact Tic Tac and our technicians can recommend the best way to protect and recover your at-risk data. They will recover your data in a Class 100 clean room without violating your equipment’s warranty.
Q. How can I keep a data loss situation from happening again in the future?
A. Unfortunately, electro-mechanical failures and natural disasters are impossible to predict. Backing up your data will ensure your critical data is not lost should a failure or disaster occur. However, no one is safe from a data loss situation. As a result, we offer a disaster prevention and recovery consulting service. This service will determine how vulnerable your system is to data loss or disaster and propose security enhancements that will further safeguard against potential threats to your valuable information.